Radiance and Marital Advice
Welcome to Word for the Week, the series in which I:
share my experience of hearing God’s Word in Mass last weekend,
explore what I believe the Lord is calling me to do about that Word, and
ask how this Word might impact your life, as well.
What an unforgettable Christmas Season we just finished! On the Feast of Epiphany, 10-year-old Jamal and I went to a new parish that is close to our home. It was our first time visiting. And wow: this church was beautiful! For once, I felt genuinely appreciative to be wearing a face mask, since my mouth was in a wide-open smile for most of the Mass!
In every section of the church, there was something beautiful to behold: from the chandeliers throughout the towering ceiling, to the glowing dome, to huge painted stations of the cross, and every other pew filled with families and people of all different ages and cultural backgrounds. My Word for the Week only broadened my smile.
“You shall be radiant at what you see.” - Isaiah 60:5. (It matched my Word for the Week from last Epiphany, if you’d care to see the video.)
Indeed, I was already radiant at what I saw! What a difference to celebrate Mass inside of such a beautiful space. In the ensuing days, there were many sights that filled up my heart. Notably: family time while the Green Bay Packers won the top place in the NFC to begin the playoffs!
Then, last Sunday, on the Feast of the Baptism of Christ, we brought our entire family back to Mass at the new parish. It had been a number of months! The last time we attended Mass together, we were at Mass in a gym with no congregational singing.
This time, our children were especially engaged and well behaved. A small Christmas miracle to end the liturgical season! While they would normally have grown antsy at Mass in a gymnasium, I could see that they were mystified by the beautiful images of saints and angels all around the church. They were also drawn in by the music and by the young families around us.
The Word that stood out to me seemed to concern my husband, specifically: “The benefits assured to David,” from Isaiah 51:3, and “Beloved,” (the meaning of David’s name) from 1 John 5:1. My initial reaction was course-corrected in prayer. At first, I thought, “I’m called to bring those benefits to David!” But the Holy Spirit convicted me that those words are about the Lord.
Lately, I’ve been overwhelmed. I’ve tried to “do it all,” at home (to be a domestic goddess + artistic queen, so to speak) in hopes of making David happy! Yet, unsurprisingly, the idea of trying to do more than I’m able to do made me feel daunted and resentful. Through the Word, The Spirit reminded me that it’s not I but God who fulfills His promises to David.
What a surprising turn. Just when I thought I needed to keep “making David’s dreams come true” by shouldering more and more responsibilities, the Lord gave me this Word specifically about “David.” After honest conversations this week, David and I decided to shuffle some of the household responsibilities around so that I can have more time to be in the creative zone.
As you prepare to attend Mass this week (whether online or in person) perhaps you will hear the Word and assume you know what it means for you, like I did. I’ll invite you to join me in listening for the Spirit to surprise us! Lord, teach us in new ways. Come, Holy Spirit.
Special thanks to VIP Patrons:
Kim Moline
Dick Safranski
Jordan Mendez
Julian Padilla
Jessica Cook
Kate Hicks
Sara Chacon
Kelly Wesaw
Deacon Tim & Lily Roberto
Carrie Brzezinski
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