Amanda Vernon

Recording Artist & Author


Hello and happy summertime!  

Our daughter Chiara was born this spring.  She has soft, tan-colored skin, with princess-pink rosy cheeks and deep blue eyes.  Her little smile is contagious, and she is learning to laugh.  Peacefulness is one of her particular gifts.  It is amazing how one little baby has brought so much beauty to our home.  Having two babies under the age of two now feels remarkably fun and natural.   

After Chiara’s birth I took a few months off from performing and traveling to be at home with her and our son, Jamal.  It was simply glorious and peaceful.  During my downtime, my desire to continue with music grew stronger than ever.  Watching new life blossom around me awakens my artistic sensibilities and urges me to share this beauty in song.  So now I am back to the balancing act of musician/mom.  

It is difficult to describe my joy right now.  I was talking with my eleven-year-old sister Veronica the other day, and I told her I feel surprised by how happy I am.  She asked, “Why?”  When I explained how I am amazed to have such a great little family while still being able to do the other things I love, she summed it up nicely, “So you thought that if you had kids, it would ruin your life?”  Laughing, I admitted she was right.

Somewhere in the back of my mind I suspected I would have to trade everything else to be a wife and a mom.  I was willing to give up running, watching the Green Bay Packers, traveling, date nights, friends, shopping, quiet time, wearing makeup, and even making music if that was the price of having my own family.  Little did I know, by loving my husband and kids I would find an even deeper gratitude and appreciation for everything and everyone else.  

I am back to work now and my performance calendar is filling up again.  I am also working on songs for a new recording project called, Interior Gaze.  “Like” me on Facebook and follow me on Twitter to keep up to date on my upcoming shows and projects.  In the meantime, I will be reading storybooks, singing lullabies, changing (many) diapers, and loving it.  What a great surprise!




© Joyful Noise, Inc.