Amanda Vernon

Recording Artist & Author


The culture dispises it. 
The Church celebrates it.
If you are scared, you will not be found doing this.
What is it?


It does seem worthless unless there is something great ahead of you.  I love the season of Advent, because it reminds me of the value of waiting.  This shows up in small ways (like delayed gratification when it comes to eating Christmas cookies), and big ways (like anticipating the second coming of Christ). 

Today, we celebrate the Immaculate Conception.  Is it just me, or does pregnancy seem to be a common theme during Advent?  I highly recommend the following blog article by Bob Rice.  He has a wonderful gift of making very intricate teachings seem simple.  Not to mention, he keeps me laughing:

"The Doctor and Blessed Duns Scott"

In closing, please keep my family and me in prayer as we head to the Diocese of Saginaw this weekend.  I will be give an Advent Concert for families at St. Christopher Parish in Bridgeport, Michigan on Sunday.  If you are in the area, I'd love to see you there.

Have a blessed week, 



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