Amanda Vernon

Recording Artist & Author

West Virginia, Mountain Momma

Heading out!  I'm about to take off for a 5-day road trip with David.  We are leaving our kiddos in the company of our dear friends in Green Bay, Wisconsin.  Our route covers five states (Wisconsin, Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, West Virginia), two festivals, and visits with amazing people along the way. 

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Waking Up

I do not use an alarm clock anymore.


Every morning, I wake up to the voice of my little daughter, Chiara.  She doesn’t use many words yet (she’s only 13 months), but she clearly communicates, “COME GET ME!”  


When I open the door to her bedroom, she greets me with excitement.  Almost immediately, she exclaims, “Pretty!”  She points to various items in her room, saying, “Pretty, pretty, pretty!” the whole time.


When we see David (Dadda) and Jamal (our 2-year-old son), she also declares them, “Pretty!”  Jamal responds, “I’m handsome.”


Chiara genuinely sees the world as a beautiful place, meant to celebrate.


I want to bottle her innocent wonder and take it with me during the day.  I would like it to radiate in my smile like it does on her face, and echo through my music like it rings through her sweet voice.


It’s a beautiful thing, waking up to rejoice in the beauty of life.


Last month was a little crazy, with a trip down to Indiana to record the lead vocals for my new CD, and then finishing the production long-distance, mixed with a big flood in Grand Rapids.  We had record rainfall this year, but we are now enjoying simply beautiful weather.  


The floods have subsided, and I hear lawn mowers in the background as I type this.  There’s a promise of something new in the air.  I want to acknowledge it, be aware of it, celebrate it.  


The “Interior Gaze” CD debuts May 31st.  I’m so excited to share it with you.  





More than Emotion

I recently returned from a trip to Boise for the Idaho Catholic Youth Conference.  Here’s a photo of David and me with Chris Kreslins, the Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry for the Diocese of Boise.

Chris and his wife Rose have been long-time friends of my family.  Chris invited me to give my first-ever concert of original music, in Grand Rapids, over a decade ago.  

While we were out in Idaho, I presented a breakout session to a group of about 800 young women about the dignity of femininity.  Talk about girl time, to the extreme.  We even started the session with a Taylor Swift music video.

As part of the message, I taught my original song, “More Than Emotion.”  I wrote the song when I was 16.  If my 16-year-old self could have seen nearly a thousand young women singing those words, I would have been shocked!

You’re more than emotion

You’re deeper than tears

You’re wider than happiness

Stronger than my fears 

Although I don’t always feel like everything is going to be okay, my trust in God goes beyond what I feel or the outcomes that I imagine.

Living my dreams and trying to walk with integrity can be really fun.  Other times it can be really challenging.

At the end of the day, my music and my identity as a woman is based on a love that reaches farther than mere emotions.  I began this discovery at a young age, and I try to relearn it daily.





P.S. Today marks the birthday of Deacon Ken Baldwin and the 10th anniversary of my first-ever CD release.  Deacon Ken Baldwin was my high school youth group director, and he initiated my first CD.  Thanks and happy birthday, Deacon Ken!  

© Joyful Noise, Inc.