What Happens When You Warn a Friend
Post-Mass selfie on our anniversary!
Welcome to Word for the Week, the series in which I:
share my experience of hearing God’s Word in Mass last weekend,
explore what I believe the Lord is calling me to do about that Word, and
ask how this Word might impact your life, as well.
We went back to Mass as a family. For the first time since February. And it was on the 11th anniversary of our wedding! I was nervous. We all had to wear masks. “Are we ready? Will the kids behave? Will they remember what it was like to be at Mass together? Will I be able to breathe while scolding the kids behind my mask?!”
It was beautiful. The kids were excellent. It helped that there was so much space (because, social distancing). A number of moments were very touching for me. At one point, David caught my eye and we shared a crinkly-eyed smile, covered by our masks but still expressing the joy of having our four kids back at Mass together.
Probably the most encouraging moment came courtesy of 4-year-old Serra. As the instrumental music began to play, she looked up at me and exclaimed, “I want to sing!” It was sad, since no one was singing. And yet, she still knew. She still felt the pacing, the rhythm of the liturgy. She still wanted to respond, and she still had fond memories of belting out the closing song from the top of her little lungs.
The word that stood out to me was from the prophet Ezekiel, and it was echoed in the message of the Gospel: “You shall warn them.”
As I prayed about this word last week, the answer came by way of gratitude for what has already transpired. The Holy Spirit revealed to me some of the fruits of living this word.
I was able to spend time with one of my closest friends this week. This friend and I are close enough to speak into each other’s lives. That is to say, I have called this friend to greater honesty and integrity on many occasions, and this friend has returned the favor for me, time and again.
Calling each other to be better has been uncomfortable. Yet, we have continued to follow the advice from the gospel of Matthew about addressing issues with each other, and we have even brought in other friends to help convince the other. For example, advice that I have needed to receive from my friend deals with accepting my need to eat enough and at the proper times for my body, or about my penchant to work out so hard that I hurt myself.
This week I was able to see the fruits of those conversations. The fruits are strikingly beautiful! It was worth the struggle and the humiliation to speak honestly. Not only is my friend healthier than ever, but I am, too! The Lord painted such a clear picture for me: the other side of challenging a friend, is a greater trust of the other and a greater endurance of character.
Whose life do you have the honor of speaking into? Who are you called to correct from a place of love? Who gives you the authority to point out both their strengths and the ways that they can grow stronger? If someone is coming to mind now, I’ll invite you to take that person to prayer with me today.
Lord, help us to speak the truth in love, through the words you provide. We accept your promise from the Gospel of Matthew: “If two of you agree on earth about anything for which they are to pray, it shall be granted to them by my heavenly Father.” Amen!
Special thanks to VIP Patrons:
Kim Moline
Dick Safranski
Jordan Mendez
Julian Padilla
Jessica Cook
Kate Hicks
Sara Chacon
Kelly Wesaw
Deacon Tim & Lily Roberto
Carrie Brzezinski
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