"Have No Anxiety." Okay, Thanks.
Sharing this selfie for posterity: Attending Mass in 2020. Serra not pictured, probably because she was tottering on the bleachers beside me.
Welcome to Word for the Week, the series in which I:
share my experience of hearing God’s Word in Mass last weekend,
explore what I believe the Lord is calling me to do about that Word, and
ask how this Word might impact your life, as well.
We’re back in the weekly-Mass-attendance zone with our family.
Low and behold, Serra (now 4 years old) is still in rare form. We don’t usually have to leave with her in the middle of Mass these days, but I find I’m still on edge most of Mass. Probably I’ll blink and she’ll be 17, right? In the meantime, it’s hilarious and nerve wracking to attempt to participate respectfully at church with our entire family.
For instance! Last week, as Serra pointed to a statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe, she said loudly from behind her face mask, “There’s Mary with Baby Jesus about to come out of her ‘you know!’” Yes, we’ve been talking about the biological birthing process. And yes, she identified that Mary was pregnant.
We sat on bleachers for Mass, since our new parish doesn’t have enough room for social distancing in the main church. Serra routinely tottered on the edge of the bleachers throughout the liturgy. Fittingly, the word that stood out to me was, “Have no anxiety at all.” This advice was instantly applicable.
Throughout the rest of the week, as well, as I asked the Lord how to live out this Word, I was inspired to follow the rest of that same verse from Philippians 4:6. In entirety, it reads, “Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God.”
Any time I’ve been inclined toward worry or anxiety this week, I’ve felt a gentle tug deep in my chest to make my requests known to God. It's been more involved than my typical prayer when I’m stressed out. Usually, I just pray, “Lord, help me!”
This hasn’t been the calmest of weeks. I’m smiling. The Lord knew what this week would be like in advance! What a joy that going to Mass can give me such direction that suits my heart and mind so perfectly from week to week. And even though gearing up for Mass with the family tomorrow seems a little daunting, the results really do cancel out any anxiety along the way.
Is there any anxiety in your life today? I’ll invite you to join me in this prayer exercise, courtesy of the Apostle Paul:
-Pray. (Be aware of God! Prayer is always our response to God first calling us.)
-Make your requests known. (State internally or aloud what you’re asking for)
-Thank the Lord! (He hears us, He knows what is best, and He wants to give us the desires of our hearts.)
This structure has made for beautiful and calming conversations with the Lord all week long. I pray it'll be a blessing for you, as well. The Lord knows our needs, even in our small or large battles with anxiety.
In closing, I realized at the end of this update that today is World Mental Health Day! I'm so grateful that the Lord is sovereign over every aspect of who we are: heart, mind, and body. Praise the Lord that He blesses us through therapy, doctors, reflection, community, and in so many other ways. And that through it all, ultimately!, He is the source of all healing.
Special thanks to VIP Patrons:
Kim Moline
Dick Safranski
Jordan Mendez
Julian Padilla
Jessica Cook
Kate Hicks
Sara Chacon
Kelly Wesaw
Deacon Tim & Lily Roberto
Carrie Brzezinski
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