Getting Everything You Want
"God would not inspire unattainable desires." -St. Therese of Lisieux (Image from the prayer garden at St. Therese of the Little Flower Church, South Bend, IN)
Welcome to Word for the Week, the series in which I:
share my experience of hearing God’s Word in Mass last weekend,
explore what I believe the Lord is calling me to do about that Word, and
ask how this Word might impact your life, as well.
Last Sunday, Mass was a relatively calm event! Mercedes (6 years old) was tired out from an evening of swimming the night before. But overall, no behavioral issues from any of our kids, and everyone seemed to listen well. Our associate pastor introduced the parish to a new member of the parish team: a seminarian who will be fully professed as a religious soon! It was a fun and pleasant spiritual experience. (My eyes are wide as I type this. Not long ago, Mass with our family used to be my most stressful point of each week!)
The word that stood out to me from Mass was one I've heard more than I could count. Growing up, every time one of my siblings or I would start a sentence with the words, "I want..."
Our dad would reply, "Repeat after me! 'The Lord is my shepherd,'"
Us: "The Lord is my shepherd,"
My dad: "...there is nothing I shall want."
Us: *rolling our eyes*
That exchange used to feel highly irritating. It makes me laugh in hindsight. As I've reflected on my Word for the Week, "I shall not want," the answer has been delightful.
Here I am: on tour again! With a beautiful family to love and nurture, with spiritual motherhood in full bloom. With projects and challenges to attend to, and the stability of life-long friendships and an incredible marriage to lean on. God is giving me what I want in big ways and in tiny details.
Yet, the little things don’t seem little when they meet my hearts’ desires so exquisitely.
Like being able to order a taco dinner and have it delivered to the studio where I was working in Los Angeles this week. But then I didn’t have time to eat until I left the studio. But then the Lyft driver, Luis, didn’t care one iota if I ate in his car.
Or how my flight from Burbank got delayed, which gave me enough time to visit with my Great-Uncle before I journeyed home. What makes the blessings so beautiful, is the belief that they are coming from the hand of God. To clarify: I believe that not only the blessings but the wants themselves are from the Lord.
To anyone who is comparing their wants to God's wants today, I'll ask: do you want to love? Like Mary Magdalene—who showed her desire to be close to Jesus in an extravagant, counter-cultural manner—perhaps our desire to love will look confusing to others. Perhaps it will appear to be frivolous or "over enthusiastic" (as someone has described my attitude in the past!)
When Mary Magdalene washed Jesus' feet with her hair, Jesus saw her heart! And I believe that He sees and blesses the desires of our hearts when we open those wants and needs up to Him. Even if the wants seem too little or too big!
Repeat after me: The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want... (because He gives me all that I truly want and more.)
Special thanks to VIP Patrons:
Dick Safranski
Jordan Mendez
Julian Padilla
Jessica Cook
Kate Hicks
Sara Chacon
Kelly Wesaw
Deacon Tim & Lily Roberto
Carrie Brzezinski
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