Maybe in the Future 🍎
With Jamal at our Parish Mission last weekend.
Welcome to Word for the Week, the series in which I:
share my experience of hearing God’s Word in Mass last weekend,
explore what I believe the Lord is calling me to do about that Word, and
ask how this Word might impact your life, as well.
Last Sunday, our 11-yr-old son joined me for Mass. I was giving a parish mission at a local parish, so it was awesome to have his help after each Mass. The word that stood out to me was from the Gospel of Luke. The context was a tree that wasn’t producing to the liking of the orchard owner.
The owner visited his orchard and told the gardener to cut down the barren tree. But the gardener, who had the expertise in growing plants, advised against it. He asked for another year, in which he would “cultivate the ground around it and fertilize it,” and—here’s my word for the week—
“…it may bear fruit in the future.”
This week, I have felt called to let things rest. I’m thinking of a particular, close friendship where I took a step back on communication for several days. And also of my desire to become super-invested in our local community. And, furthermore, of a series of health exams that I’m currently taking for the future.
The list goes on, of the things that seem unresolved and uncomfortable for me this week. Overall, I’m reminded that A) it’s not my natural disposition to see projects through to the end! And B) I’m also prone to give up entirely on specific relationships, based on my personality.
The fact that the Lord has called me to this season of relative calm, is very contrary to my natural sensibilities. But this Word for the Week is helping me to rejoice in the wisdom of the Lord. He knows what He is doing! I trust Him to work through the “boring” or mundane or seemingly unfruitful happenings of life, which I would naturally avoid!, to bring about His will.
Through the Word of God, I’ve been able to rejoice this week in reflecting on the past. There have definitely been seasons where I felt like nothing was happening. And yet, I can look back to see the fruit that God was cultivating. In other words, He is the patient gardener. And I want to cooperate with how he is tilling the soil and fertilizing it.
Does that mean there is necessarily…poop, all around?! So we praise the Lord for the manure, too?
In your life, is there any “fertilizer” that is stinking things up, yet causing you to grow stronger and more healthy?
Pray with me? (This is a bit sassy one, but it’s in line with the gospel!)
Dear Jesus, thank you for your patience and for your wisdom. Thank you for how you prepare our environment to best aid in our growth and in our future fruitfulness. Thank you for the times that really stink, too, because we trust you are working even the “fertilizer” out for our good. Amen.
Special thanks to VIP Patrons:
Dick Safranski
Jordan Mendez
Julian Padilla
Jessica Cook
Kate Hicks
Deacon Tim & Lily Roberto
Carrie Brzezinski
Frances Jones
Elizabeth Herberg
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